
banne avatar image
banne asked

Standby consumption Multiplus 2

Really curious why my three Multiplus 2 are using between 1-2A from the batteries as standby consumption 24/7 when not charging or discharging. I really need to switch off the inverter option to make the power from the batteries 0A. Its using 5%(!) SoC overnight on a 15kWh batterypack. Really insane powerconsumption!

Here you see with and without inverter activated (requested power was 0 of course)


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10 Answers
banne avatar image
banne answered ·

Problem was solved by adding to my own softwaretool the option to disable the inverter when its not discharging. This was the solution to never have standby consumption during the night

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Hi, as far as i know its normal, see the multiplus 2 datasheet a single unit is between 3-13w in idle/standby so 3 units is 9-39w

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banne avatar image banne commented ·
Uhm, its only one device and 1A-2A is 50-100W
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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Your question says three, is it not a 3 phase setup?

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banne avatar image banne commented ·
No its not, 3 separate phases
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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

You’re assuming that is only related to internal consumption.

Is this configured as an ESS? In which case there is always some power moving through the system which is more than just the multis overhead.

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banne avatar image banne commented ·
What other conclusion you make when you turn off the inverter switch and the consuption is 0?
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ banne commented ·

That the inverter is doing MORE than than just consuming power. Which is how an ESS works.

As you admit you have an unsupported configuration, and we can't see the detail nor measure everything else going on at that moment which could explain the smallish amount of additional power.

So you won't get an absolute answer.

Getting cross with people won't help with that either, please keep it civil.

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klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@banne Have you check the accuracy of your JKBMS shunt?

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banne avatar image banne commented ·
Seplos BMS I had before was exactly the same issue
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Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·


...why my three Multiplus 2...on a 15kWh batterypack...

You run a 15kVA System on a small 15kW Battery which is hopeless to small for your system.

If you have a 3-Phase system, and can not cope with the Stand-By power consumption, your system is somehow wrong designed.

I live in Estonia and in December I have the lowest Energy Harvesting.

When I had no MultiPlus-II 24/5000 it was just working (Freezer/Fridge 24V, Cooking with Gas or on the WoodStove), but now, when I have a bunch of 230V appliances and the MultiPlus-II has to run 24/7 because of the heating circulation pumps, Freezer, Fridge, etc., I had to install 4100Wp (2x SmartSolar MPPT 250/100-Tr VE.Can) more to survive...

...and this with 70,5kWh of Batteries.

Think about your design!

Oh, I will upgrade my System to 2 Quattro 24/8000/200-120 which mean, I need two Fronius Symo 8.2 (21x 410Wp PLUS 14x 550Wp) to cope with it.

Hence it is not only about puting 3 Inverters (12.000€) together and hope it works.

Need additional 2x 7000€ for the Fronius Symo, Solarpanels and the shelf

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banne avatar image banne commented ·

Unbelievable, there are a lot of unimportant sidequestions here. I just want to know why the standby consumption is this high from a Multiplus! I never said I have three MP2's on one 15kwh batterypack! What does this all have to do with my question? I have three separate phases, three Multiplus 2 and three 15kWh batterypacks. And yes they are not in series, they are separate. And yes Victron says thats not possible. And no its never been a problem. Yes they all have different brand BMS. And yes they all have the same problem.

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jeanmarie avatar image
jeanmarie answered ·

Agree with you @banne , your subject is a real subject, some answers are off the mark, yes.

To see the same thing with a Seplos BMS, I would say, but without certainty

- the resolution and accuracy of the current measure of the BMS

- the fact that current drawn from the battery is a power in VA when the power shown else is with a cosPhi in between which could represent a difference between 0 to 90% (I already seen some device with some 1A of consumption but a cosphi of 0,1 (AC unit in idle for example)

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tuky avatar image
tuky answered ·

I noticed it on the Phoenix Inverters too. They are practically the same as Multiplus, just without AC input, only for offgrid. I have two 12/2000 working in parallel and they are drawing 3A on idle or somewhere around 40W. In the specifications it says 9W per unit. So this is double. Your is 48/5000 and declared Zero load power is 35W. Since the true consumption is understated by a factor 2 or more, I presume those are expected figures. If you have some other devices like Cerbo, Shunt, MPPTs etc. it can draw insane amounts of energy, and you have to calculate it in when choosing batteries and solar panels. I have also one good quality Chinese inverter 12V 2kW which is consuming 36W when no load. So this is double than Victron.

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shockbroker avatar image
shockbroker answered ·

You could try if the AES setting could save you some Wh?

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tuky avatar image tuky commented ·
Unfortunately, AES is working only in stand alone mode, not parallel.
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jetlag avatar image
jetlag answered ·

@banne just want to add some of my fugures I measured for my single MP2 48/3000. It pulls about 9-10W from battery in standby, and if battery is to low and disconnected, I see these 10W comming additional from the grid (EM24 meter).

As far as I remember, the MP2 48/5000 has a power consuption of about 17W. Times 3 this would make about 51W, what would explain the 1A in a 51,2V battery (roughly). 2A should be out of spec, but is maybe just a bad reading?

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