
doubh avatar image
doubh asked

Multiplus-II: Query maximum possible AC power when in temperature limitation

I have a setup with 3x Multiplus-II 48/3000/35-32 with MPPT 450/100 and a SmartSolar charger and Pylontech batteries in ESS-1 setup. VenusOS 3.20 is running on a rpi.

I know that Multiplus-II devices limit their power depending on internal temperature. When they are running at maximum power and the internal temperature raises, the output power will be reduced down to approx. 1800W.

Question is, if there is a Modbus register or something else to read-out

- the currently maximum power or

- whether the Multiplus is in that kind of temperature limitation.

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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

No. Best you could do is measure the outlet temperature, and based on your own research create an array of derated performance for a given outlet temp.

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