
Troy avatar image
Troy asked


Good morning

I am still new here so please be kind lol

Step by step please

So at the moment

I have an MPPT RS 450

I have seen some confusion around this MPPT


I have 4 x 405 w Panels on one string

Now the question is

I have also 3 x 370 w panels

Can I throw them onto the same string without effecting the 405's in anyway

Or Can I just take the 3 x 370 w panels through my MPPT 150/100 Directly into the Lynx Distributor to the battery along side the 405 panels

Thanks everybody


It would be a good idea someone who knows about this machine

If anyone has a good plan also or wiring diagram to also attach my 400w Windturbine would be welcome also

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

If the VOC of those 3 panels are 50+V, then you can try putting them on the other tracker of the RS.

Although it can be on the lower level of the MPPT starting voltage.

Better with the 150/100, but you need to have some coordination between those two MPPTs, the 450 and the 150.

Otherwise, although you can put them in series with the other 4, those two types of panels, having different voltages and currents, is not recommended. The RS will have a hard time to find the correct MPP, because your/the resulting IV curve will have several maximums.

Read here:

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