Hello community,
I'm currently planning a conceptual PV system for a friend of mine. We want to use a mixed system with a 12kWp AC coupled FOX Ess PV inverter, a 9kVA three phase Victron MPII system with 30kW/h Pylontech US5000 and a 5kWp DC coupled Victron MPPT. I have some experience with all the Victron components so this should be no problem BUT I have never used a Foxx ESS PV Inverter. We would like to use the Foxx inverter as it is quite competitive in terms of price and performance. Does anyone have experience of running a Foxx ESS inverter on a Victron ESS system? Due to the fact that Foxx ESS inverters are able to communicate using Modbus TCP with the SunSpec data structure, I assume there should be no problem for the Cerbox GX to detect the inverter, right?
PS: The Fox ESS inverter is placed at AC-IN so no worries about Overloading the 3 times 3kVA MPIIs :D