
wedgehog avatar image
wedgehog asked

What do I have to get or build to connect wireless MQTT to the Cerbo's Bluetooth

I do have another thread about this tank sensor but no one is replying to me in there now!
I have programmed a Lilygo 433 with OpenMQTT and the plan is that it will receive the signal from my Watchman tank sensor and eventually pass it to the Cerbo. I have Installed Home assistant on a RPI so I can connect it to the broker and check it's working, which it is, and I have had a look at the MQTT with MQTT Explorer. As far as I know (Because I can't find much information on the Lilygo) that it only sends the MQTT out on wireless, that's certainly how it sends it to the Home assistant, And I'm fairly sure that other than hard wiring the only way to connect to the Carbo's Broker is via Bluetooth, so I need some device to link them, Any ideas guys?

MQTTtank monitor
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2 Answers
hominidae avatar image
hominidae answered ·

The Cerbo certainly supports LAN, Wifi, besides Bluetooth.

What model of a Lillygo 433 is used here?

If it's a version with ESP32, it supports wifi as well.

All you need, besides programming on the Lillygo is a wifi network that both - the Lillygo and the Cerbo - can join. The Lillygo should then be able to publish the data to the Broker of the Cerbo, I think.

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wedgehog avatar image wedgehog commented ·
Hi, It's the Lilygo 433 rtl Yes it is ESP 32 based and I have OpenMQTT on it. I don't think the Tank sensor, and pre configured Tank ability of the Cerb-GX allows MQTT from Wireless, just bluetooth?
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hominidae avatar image hominidae wedgehog commented ·

If publishing the data via MQTT is allowed at all, there should be no restriction on what channel this can be used. You should be able to publish directly to the mqtt broker on the Cerbo.

Maybe, for initialisation, in order to create the tank object in the dbus, another path, like using an App via BLE needs to be used, but I am not using a tank, so cannot tell.

You can try to do it over mqtt manually with a tool like mqttexplorer. Specs of he Services available over dbus are here: your tank data listed?

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wedgehog avatar image wedgehog hominidae commented ·
Hi, you sound a lot more competent at this than I am, it would be a lot easier for me to have the information arriving via BLE and then using the standard tank configurations in the Cerbo, If someone explains to me how to do it, I can follow, but not able to do it from scratch myself
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wedgehog avatar image
wedgehog answered ·

Hellooooo anyone have any ideas please? I need to receive MTQQ on wireless and re send it on BLE, Is there a device available or does it have to be made?

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