
Erik avatar image
Erik asked

Node Red - Relay Override


I want to control relay 2 of the cerbo by means of temperature setting on the cerbo AND SOC via node red. is this possible.

As soon as the relay is set to temperature it continuously switches as node red and cerbo are working against each other.

The thread I find indicate that the relay has to be in manual mode.

Thanks for tour assistance


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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Why don't you use node red to control it with both the conditions you want? Rather than one with the OS and one with node red.

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Erik avatar image
Erik answered ·

Node red is hard coded in to the Cerbo while the temperature can be adjusted by a user on site. This is for a very remote location with no internet connection thus making any changes require either internet connection or a technician on site.

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Craig Robinson avatar image
Craig Robinson answered ·

img-2226.jpegHi just set the relay to manual on the Cerbo then in node red select the victron node Venus device relay 2

I use this the control the immersion heater in combination with the MPPT relay, batt SOC and PV power

img-2226.jpeg (597.7 KiB)
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