Hi all,
I am about to install a Cerbo GX with the objective of monitoring the batteries remotely through the VRM portal and I would appreciate some advice.
My boat has two separate networks, The Raymarine LAN with multi MFD and a Teltonika router based LAN network for Wifi and Internet through 4G/5G.
I will connect the Cerbo GX to the Raymarine LAN switch and also to the house Wifi simultaenously - I understand that while it detects a LAN connection it will look for Internet access over the LAN first and won't use the Wifi until the LAN connection is disconnected.
My question is; when the MFDs (and/or switch) are powered down and the LAN connection is shut down will the Cerbo GX failover to the Wifi connection and continue to update the VRM Portal.
I have read a lot of the related posts but I haven't seen an answer to this question. I am not sure I want to go down the root of migrating the router network to the Raymarine LAN or creating VLANs. In this scenario which is well documented on the "Raymarine - Cerbo - Internet connection walkthrough" post) if the Cerbo and Raymarine LAN are both connected to the Router how does DHCP service other devices such as Phones, TV, Audio when the Raymarine MFDs are powered down.
Thanks in anticpation.