
trent-w avatar image
trent-w asked

Orion DC DC fuse wire diagram

Hi, I’m just about to connect my Orion DCDC charger and have 2 x 60 amp breakers to install inline as the “external battery protection fuses” I want to know 1. If I install the fuse inline from Alternator to start battery, Then would I need to also have one inline from start battery to DC DC charger input? Additionally I will install another 60amp breaker inline from DCDC charger output to House bank. You direction assistance here is appreciated.

orion dc-dc
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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Trent w

From the manual. One on the input, one on the output as close as possible to the current sources (batteries)

Picture here.

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trent-w avatar image trent-w commented ·

Thanks Alexandra. I have seen the manual and photo but it only indicates the fuse attached directly to the battery itself. As I will run all new cable directly from alternator to the start battery then to the DC DC charger I’m still not certain exact location of the fuse. will it be inline before the battery (inline on the alternator side) or after the battery (between battery and DC DC charger input? Thanks

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trent-w avatar image
trent-w answered ·

Thanks Alexandra. I have seen the manual and photo but it only indicates the fuse attached directly to the battery itself. As I will run all new cable directly from alternator to the start battery then to the DC DC charger I’m still not certain exact location of the fuse. will it be inline before the battery (inline on the alternator side) or after the battery (between battery and DC DC charger input? Thanks

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delf67 avatar image
delf67 answered ·

There is no fuse between the alternator and the start battery. It is just the DC-DC converter that is fused (in and out).

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trent-w avatar image trent-w commented ·
Perfect thank you greatly appreciate the clarity.
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