
atomicduck123 avatar image
atomicduck123 asked

100|20 MPPT Ground Wire


Could someone please clarify whether the grounding terminal on the side of the housing needs to be wired in? The output on the charge controller will be heading to the pos + neg on the leisure battery and from there the negative terminal will be ground to the chassis of the van, in this instance, is it necessary to ground the housing on the charge controller as well? If so, what size cabling would be required?

Many thanks,


MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
delf67 avatar image
delf67 answered ·

I would say it is 'good practice' to install the ground wire. It can't do any harm being there, but may be a problem, in the event of a fault, without it.

I use the same size wire as the MPPT to battery cables.

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