
sbalone avatar image
sbalone asked

Use of multiple DC-DC 24/12 converters

Hi people. I'm new to Victron. I'm in the process of converting from 12V to 24V and lead-acid to LiFePO4. I have one 24/12 DC-DC 70A Orion that I meant to handle 12V house loads, but my RV installer is saying that I have several 100+ amp breakers/fuses in my 12V circuits, including one that is 150A! I can't imagine what 12V loads would be that high, though I'll have peak starting loads for my auto-leveling jacks, my 8KW generator, two slides and my residential fridge. This is all in a 39ft Dynamax DX3, 33,000 GVWR. So my RV guy says I need at least a DC-DC 24/12 converter that handles 150A. Does this sound right? Also, can I use TWO of my 70A 24/12 Orions to approach 150A ? Thanks.

orion dc-dc
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Hard to say what your peak loads are.

But yes, multiple parallel Orions are ok.

Be aware also that the 70A is sustained load, it will deliver a lot more for a short period (details in manual). So you should get a better feeling on the peaks before going overboard with extra capacity.

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @sbalone

Consider adding in a 12V battery to your system, something big enough to handle your peak loads. Then just use your Orion to charge it. Overall it will likely be oversized, and you won't need another Orion.

I use a 48/12-20 to do this (yes, just 20A), switched in using Assistants in a Multiplus when it's needed. I have it set to charge at ~13.8V, so I don't want it charging all the time, but that V makes 12V kit take notice.

A 100Ah Pb battery (even an oldie) should be plenty, and even give you more onboard storage.

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