
campsite avatar image
campsite asked

Console connection check

Hi everyone,

I am running VenusOS and have multiple devices connected via USB-> as well as USB->VE.bus.

When i disconnect a or bus device on the serial side, VenusOS shows it as 'Not connected'
Does anyone know if i can do the same check through the CLI?

Venus OSRaspberry PiVE.Busmk3-usb
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1 Answer
outsourcedguru avatar image
outsourcedguru answered ·

I'm relatively sure that one could use the dbus command to query things. Docs ...and this appears to be a bigger manual.

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Related Resources

Victron Venus OS Open Source intro page

Venus OS GitHub (please do not post to this)

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Raspberry Pi running Victron’s Venus firmware - Blog Post

Venus OS Large image: Signal K and Node-RED - Install

raspberrypi install venus image

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

What is VE.Bus?