
talbotlaw avatar image
talbotlaw asked

My Cerbo GX shows the incorrect UTC time and I can't correct it.

Hello: I have a newly installed Cerbo GX and I have been trying (without success) to correctly set my local time. I just noticed that the UTC on the Cerbo is incorrect - it is an hour slow (it says 22:34, when the correct UTC time is 23:34). My location and time zone are set correctly on the Cerbo, but because the UTC is incorrect the Cerbo keeps setting my (manually set) local time incorrectly (since it should be UTC -7, but since the UTC is off, so is UTC -7). I cannot correct or manually set the Cerbo UTC.

Any suggestions?

Lawrence Talbot

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @talbotlaw

Try setting it in VRM, that seems to work very reliably. It comes with a little warning though.. "Your timezone setting will be updated using the new location only if you do not have it set on the GX device".

It will still show in the GX, but it's derived from VRM.

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