
marc-heide avatar image
marc-heide asked

3x Quattro 48/10000 Grid 250A peakshaving

Dear community,

I would like to pass this trough the community about the ESS system.

i want to use the inverters for peak shaving parrallel to the grid. Because the grid connection is 250A and the quattro would not handle that :D.

I would like to use the quattro as a bidirectional inverter.

is it still possible to reach the 319A peak or only the 284 for continues in total?

With kind regard,



ESSquattro 10kvapeak shaving
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marc-heide avatar image marc-heide commented ·

I am just wondering if it reacts fast enough with high peaks.

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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

As long as you have a grid connection each Quattro will only deliver it's max. continuous power, around 8000W at 25°C.

It also needs a few seconds to ramp up the power, short spikes (starting a big motor or something like that) are always coming from the grid.

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marc-heide avatar image marc-heide commented ·
Thanks for the information. It is verry helpfull to me.
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