
snek avatar image
snek asked

Can I control more Victron systems together?

Hi. We are a small village where we are planning 4 independent photovoltaic power plants (three-phase MultiPlus-II; from 10 to 30 kWp) in different locations in our village. In our country, we have the possibility of community energy (we can share produced energy between several distributors electricity meters) and we would like to use the accumulated energy for municipal consumption at night.

So my question is: is it possible to somehow control several photovoltaic power plants at the same time and send power to the grid according to the power consumption of other consumption points? For example for municipal lighting (like lights consumes 20kW and our plants send to the grid 5kW each or something like that).

Thanks, Pavel.

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


You aren't playing with small amounts of power here. So be sure you know what you are doing.

But yes it is possible, you could probably use something like node red to be able to control several systems at once from one central place if each system has a GX. And you have a good network between them.

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snek avatar image snek commented ·

Installation will be performed by an authorized person. I just want to know if and how it is possible.

Ok, in this case we use Node Red. In places where isn't photovoltaic plant and we want consume our energy, we need Cerbo and some smartmeter, right?

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