
matthiasu avatar image
matthiasu asked

How do I teach the GUI process to listen on a non-localhost address?

I want to access the GUI process's VNC back-end remotely.

I have changed "/Settings/System/VncInternet" to 1 (and restarted the gui process) but that didn't change anything.

The "gui/" script ends with these lines:

`if [ "$vnclocal" = "1" ] || [ "$vncinternet" = "1" ]; then
echo "*** Starting gui, with VNC enabled (VncLocal=$vnclocal VncInternet=$vncinternet)"
exec ${scriptdir}/gui $mouse -display "${multistring}VNC:size=$size:depth=32:passwordFile=/data/conf/vncpassword.txt:0"

The fun part here is that "$vncinternet" is not used anywhere and the GUI listens on no matter what I do.

Now, is that a bug, or did I overlook something?

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1 Answer
mr-manuel avatar image
mr-manuel answered ·

Probably it would be easier to use the GUIv2 or MFD app.

GUIv2: http://venusos/gui-beta (if you have installed a beta version, else download the ZIP file from here, upload the wasm folder to the Venus OS device into /var/www/venus and rename it to gui-beta)

MFD: http://venusos/app

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