
williams avatar image
williams asked

How to wire a 48V 102kw battery bank

I have a doubt, so in Victron they say I can build a 102kw 48V battery bank and that the maximum batteries in a system is of 20. I have done the math but is not possible for me to get the 102kw 48v battery bank with only 20 batteries and 5 strings parellelled limitation.



Maximum i can get with these limitations is 48V and 25600WH battery bank as per below



Am I doing something wrong? Could someone explain me how to build it?


48v battery
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The limit is 20.

You have 10. So you are halfway there.

Add a second bank of parrallel pairs.

Use the example of image xxx70555 but with 25v batteries and the output being 48v.


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williams avatar image williams commented ·
Adding another row will get me to 51200 W/h. Still not reaching the 102kW for 48V as stated by Victron. Unless 51200 Wh is the max capacity for 48V bank?
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ williams commented ·

20 x 5120wh = 102 400 or 102kWh

I think that might be where the figure come in from.

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williams avatar image williams Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Oh, I see. So, will end up as below correct?


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prein avatar image
prein answered ·

In your picture, you create a 48V 51200Wh battery, not 25600.

2x 25,6V200Ah = 51.2V200Ah => 51,2*200=10240Wh = 10kWh

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williams avatar image williams commented ·

Oh, I see. So should be as below correct?


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