
klausbachmeier avatar image
klausbachmeier asked

Multiplus with two inverters, one on Output, one on Input.

I have two inverters. One (single Phase) is connected to the Multiplus Output. Measurement via Gavazzi EM24.

The Second one, 3 Phase is a Kaco, Connected to the grid. means Input of the Multiplus. (Modbus Sunspec and can be added via The PV Inverter Menu)

In the Menu the position is set to AC Input 1.


However, both inverters are combined in the schema. On the Output. multiplusiipvinvertertmsdvmsdov.png

With the 3Phase it is impossible, and I am wondering if all calculations will be made in correct way.

em24multplus 2 gxsunspec
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1 Answer
klausbachmeier avatar image
klausbachmeier answered ·

The Screen can be fixed by setting "Grid Meter" to "external"

But this is not what i want. I'd prefer the measurement in the multiplus II instead of an external device.

Unfortuntly this leads to the error in addition

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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Energy Meter Manual EM24 RS485