I've got a used Phoenix inverter (PIN485020000) I'd like to try out, but this metal wall mount piece is unfortunately missing. I could use some simple wall hooks for first tests, but given the weight I am not so confident with such a solution.
I have not seen original Victron replacement parts in any shop. I also asked my nearest Victron dealer and he told me it is not worth to go for such a part. He didn't tell me how much an original would cost or if it is even possible to get - I had the impression that it is better not to bother him any more... :-(
Some dimensions for that can be found in the documentation, so I might be able to build something similar or ask someone to do it. But its quite some custom work and will cost a bit.
Thus, before I try that, anyone an idea for any suitable, not too expensive replacement of this wallmount at some reasonable cost? Or something else which could be used to install the inverter safely?
I checked some shops, but I could not find anything looking close to that part.
Thanks a lot in advance!