
belter-cat avatar image
belter-cat asked

Orion-Tr Smart 24/12-20A DC-DC charger stuck in 24V ?


I'm very frustrated this is the 2nd charger I've received from Amazon and neither work....

This unit always shows "Charger is Disabled due to Remote input inactive" The Jumper wire is installed and I even installed another wire and 3 triple checked.

Also, all the settings were at 24v when I first turned on the unit even thou my system is 12v.... Now I can not lower any setting below 16 volts? I was able to set battery charging to 13v but even the input voltage lockout will not go below 16v???

This is a Orion-Tr Smart 24/12-20A Isolated DC-DC charger

Thanks for the help



orion dc-dc
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

If you buy a 24/12-20A Orion it's normal that you can't lower the input settings lower.

This Orion is to convert a 24V input to 12V output.

Reading the datasheet/manual would help.

If you starter battery/alternator is 24V and your lithium battery is 12V than you have connected the Orion in reverse.

If both batteries are 12V that you have bought the wrong Orion twice. You would need a 12/12-18 or 12/12-30.

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