
maryperry1 avatar image
maryperry1 asked

PUK or reset 2nd owner

Good evening. We just purchased a used travel trailer and I am unable to pair with my new MPPT 75/15 SmartSolar charge controller. I have been unable to pair my phone to this device - 000000 does not work and to reset it is asking me for a PUK code, of which I understand is on the side of the device which is behind a drawer under a refrigerator. I was able to get my little 62 year old head and shoulders in the space to snap a pic of the side of the device, but it was the wrong side. I'm guessing the correct side is the side that is an inch from the outer wall. Can you confirm that number exists on the right side of that device before I get back into that cramped space to remove the device so I can see it? Or, it would be super fantastic if you have an easier way to do this. It would be embarrassing if I get stuck in there! Thanks for any advice you can offer. The prior owner says he didn't change anything, but guessing since it is a new device, it's being cautious.

restore to factory defaults
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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·
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Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

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