
fredericmora avatar image
fredericmora asked

Multiplus Compact not running after Firmware update


I have updated the firmware of my Multiplus compact 12/1600/70 230V from a 2606154 version to the latest 2606460 version. this was a while back. before the update, I used to hear the fan running very often if not all the time. Now I never hear it (it doesn't run!), whether I'm charging or using almost max capacity of inverter. BUT, it switches to overload! I do try to push it, to trigger the fan to start, so maybe it is just related to the max VA and not temperature. Has Fan management been changed in the new firmwares or shall I be looking at fan failure. The unit is only 3 years old and barely used (always at anchore and very little ac use on-board).


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

I am not aware of any changes to the fan programing its always been a temp trigger

the latest firmware is now 465 so maybe try that. as I think fw460 had a few issues. with some units

also connect a meter to the fan connectors and see if a voltage appears when it should trigger.

if a voltage does appear then the fan will need replacing

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