
gert-jansen avatar image
gert-jansen asked

Sixteen month old lithium battery connected to new battery

I'm a pensioner residing in Nigel, South Africa, with a modest solar setup: two 335W mono panels, a Victron MPPT 100/50, and a Victron Phoenix 12/800 inverter for lights and TV. I've been using a 12/200 lithium Freedom Won battery for now 16 months.

The daily battery charge settings are 14.2V, and the average discharge is 13.19V.

The rest of the house is on the unstable South African network.

Now, I'm contemplating upgrading to a 24/3000 inverter for occasional higher 220V power needs when the network is off. (microwave or wife’s hairdryer for three to five 5 minutes max.)

My question is:

Can I add a new Freedom Won 12/200 lithium battery to the existing 16-month-old one to transition to a 24V system, or

Is it better to replace the current battery with a new 24V battery?

Or simply buy only a 12/2500 inverter?

Lithium Battery
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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

That really is a question for the manufacturer.

It is best to read their manual which has a section on series configs, requiring battery balancing to be installed.

The battery is limited to 100A max which is below the rating for a 3kVA inverter.

Those batteries aren't inexpensive and are fairly basic drop-in types.

If the budget allows, you would be better off moving to a 48V system and a new battery.

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gert-jansen avatar image
gert-jansen answered ·

Thank you Nick. Have a nice day


South Africa

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