Hello I have a problem I don't understand and I hope there is a simple answer. I have 2 Cerbo-S GXs. They are setup exactly the same. The only difference is that Cerbo #2 has 2 solar chargers connected to it. I am trying to get a Home Assistant page set up. As of now Cerbo #1 sends all of the mqtt data correctly and everything is working perfectly. Cerbo #2 connects but does not send any data in the 0 tab under SYSTEM. I have Modbus TCP enabled, MQTT on LAN (SSL) on, and MQTT on LAN (Plaintext) on. It is the same on Cerbo #1 and Cerbo #2. I will attach screenshots. Using MQTT Explorer there is no data coming in under 0, it only confirms the Cerbo's ID. The ID's are correct, and the IP addresses in MQTT Explorer are correct. Everything is going fine into Home Assistant except there is no data from Cerbo #2. I am using a Windows 10 laptop to run Home Assistant on a Virtual Box. However that part does not matter because MQTT Explorer shows me that the data is there from Cerbo #1, but not from Cerbo #2. I have tried a full factory reset on Cerbo #2, along with all firmware updates. Any help, ideas, or solutions would be greatly appreciated.