I have 2xMPPT 250/100 hardwired to a cerbo GX, a BMV-712 hardwired to the same Cerbo GX, and 2xMultiplus 3KV (also hardwired to the Cerbo) with 6x8D Lifeline AGM batteries (~1500AH). I have the charge algorithm set to adaptive + battery safe mode. My question is how does the collective system know when the batteries are charged when not tied to the grid?
My understanding is that in adaptive charging mode the battery tail current is used to evaluate "charged". In my case, set to 0.5% of capacity or about 7.5A. My observation is that the MPPT controllers attempt to go to through their charge cycle when the sun shines but based on the power consumption of the appliances, and the available sun, it is very possible to get the combination of absorption voltage, 14.4V, and low tail current despite the batteries ability to accept much more current.