
manuel-serra avatar image
manuel-serra asked

Orion DC-DC TR 12/12-30 discharging my start battery

My Orion is installed in my sailing boat charging my 200 amps lithium battery service bank.The starter battery is a Varta 95 amp lead/acid. The motor is a Volvo Penta 30 D1 with a 150 amps regular alternator with voltage set point of 14.39 V. When motoring the alarm buzz of the motor indicates low voltage of the starter battery when Orion is on Bulk charge or Absorption and the voltage drops to 12,6 v. If in Float, the battery holds 13.5 volts. The VRM sends several alarms of low starter voltage. This happened before when idle motoring with low rpm, but now it happens also when motoring under 2200 rpm. It looks like the Orion is taking too much energy from starter battery when in Bulk or Absorption, and the alternator (in spite of being a 150 amps alternator) is not capable of recharging enough to compensate. What do you think I can do to avoid this?

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Perhaps the alternator belt needs adjusting.

But it sounds as if you need to increase the alternator speed. This can be done by fitting a larger drive pulley on the engine.

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