Hi there :)
It will be nice if someone from Victron Stuff can take a look on potential bug(s).
In InteliConfig, it's possible to change units scale, like on screenshot below:
When Power Format is set to “Small 0,1kW/kVA/kVAr 1V”, VRM portal shows that “Generator” and “AC loads” power values are 10 times greater than they should be (screenshot below, left side). ComAp controller reports correct value in InteliConfig (screenshot below right side). Tried with Venus OS 3.13 and 3.20~35 – no luck.
I also found ComAp Python script on GitHub and suspected that maybe rounding is doing that wrong (screenshot below).
One more question:
Generator Engine operating hours are shown in seconds on Widget. Is it possible to change to hours? We need it for precise generating monthly report.
Best regards,