
harry4516 avatar image
harry4516 asked

VM-3P75CT Speed

I have the VM-3P75CT installed in an ESS system using three Multiplus 48/3000. Previously I used the EM24. The reason was to speed up line regulation as advertised for the VM-3P75CT.

The manual says:
"High refresh rateCalculating the RMS power values for each phase, the energy meter transmits them at a high rate over VE.Can orEthernet, leading to more accurate measurements for power usage, grid-import and grid feed-in, for example, in an ESSsystem."

The VM-3P75CT sends data to the cerbo at remarkable speed, several values per second which looks good. It is connected via ethernet.

But if I look to the in/out sum power, then it jumps between e.g. -60 and +60 watts (when it should be 0) in the same way as with the EM24. I cannot see any improvement in regulation speed (in the VRM grid diagram).

My expectation was to see the curve more close to 0 compared to the EM24.

Is there anything that I have missed, any special setting or whatever?

Energy Meter
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9 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


What you're seeing is likely just the reporting schedule in the Cerbo. It will still continue as it always has, and even it's values don't get sampled at the same time. Switching power supplies and ac motors typically cause such reporting variations.

What's happening behind the scenes though you can't see. But hopefully your ESS is performing better..

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mysik avatar image
mysik answered ·

hi @harry4516

What is the response speed to high load change with this meter?

I was using ET112 (single phase) and the reaction speed to high load change was terrible. (I've documented it in the other thread:

Can you do a video how the system is behaving when there is sudden high load change (let say 2kW load change)?

After reading all this comments from Victron about speed improvement I would like to see how it is looks like in the real life. Is it really much better that the old ET112 meter? The price of the new meter is really high and I just can't justify the money spend if I won't be absolutely sure that the new meter is really good.

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harry4516 avatar image
harry4516 answered ·

Hi mysik,

the resonse speed using the new meter is still low.
However the measurement speed of the new meter is really very very high, the incoming values in the cerbo display are updating multiple times a second. So the speed of the new meter should be fine.

But even with this fast measurement speed the reaction to load changes has not improved compared to the EM24.

I think the multiplus-2 is the bottleneck, without improving the reaction speed of the MP2 its not worth to change an existing meter against the new one.

I did some records via MQTT, this is how ESS looks like if set to 0 watts:

mmeter.pngso no change to the previous EM24.
My hope was that someone tells me to update the MP2 to any future version, but no response so far.

mmeter.png (115.7 KiB)
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kerbal avatar image
kerbal answered ·

Is there any update here?
I also thinking about to change my EM24 against a VM-3P75CT to increase the speed for my ESS.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

All processes on a multitasking environment are based on timers and events.

Venus OS has - according to its scripts - the following timers when it processes its signals.

So, no matter how quick the "outside world" is supplying its data, it will process the variables at the following minimum rates:

Battery Data = 5 seconds
Battery Life = 15 minutes
Battery Sense = 3 seconds
Buzzer Control = 0.5 seconds
DVCC = 1 second
DESS = 1 second (default 5 seconds)
Schedule = 5 seconds
Sources = 10 seconds

DBus Updates = 1 second

Indeed, if you write your own scripts, with lower intervals, you can take advantage of the improved speed of various devices.

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rickc avatar image
rickc answered ·

I’ve been doing lots of detailed measurements using an EM530, which has a 10 Hz update rate. The 1 second delay in responding is plainly visible.


img-6619.png (202.9 KiB)
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kerbal avatar image
kerbal answered ·

Here is a video with the VM-3P75CT installed in my ESS.
In Germany we are limited to 400W/s.

The grid setpoint is -10W.
Why does it take so long until the grid setpoint is reached again?
The Multiplus II takes quite a long time for the last 500W.

(3 phase grid with one Multplus II and 2 US3000C)

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kerbal avatar image
kerbal answered ·

If i look into the project dbus-cgwacs/ at 1efddc0fe20d854b768e525d02b01eb7e16cf947 · victronenergy/dbus-cgwacs · GitHub it seems to be that the VM-3P75CT isn't supported yet.

Or does the VM-3P75CT use the EM540Protocol? (dbus-cgwacs/software/src/ac_sensor.cpp at 1efddc0fe20d854b768e525d02b01eb7e16cf947 · victronenergy/dbus-cgwacs · GitHub).

With the VM-3P75CT i can't see any difference to the EM24 that was installed before.

Is there any update in the future planed? If not, i will switch to the EM540.

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haloibims avatar image
haloibims answered ·

Hello, is there more information available now? I am currently using the Shelly Pro 3Em. On days that have a relatively constant yield/consumption, I use less than 1 kWh. But on days with strong fluctuations, e.g. when I charge my electric car and there is a strong change between sun and clouds, then the consumption rises to 4 kWh. The linked video of the VM 3P75CT reacts just as quickly as my Shelly Pro 3EM, which would be disappointing. Do you have any tips or information on whether the device will regulate as quickly as the EM540 in the future? If that is helpful: I am from Germany (regarding grid code)

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