
xzv avatar image
xzv asked

Victron's MQTT broker receives less topics than with a local connection.

I've noticed that I see a lot of interesting data when I let my MQTT broker subscribe locally to Venus OS. However, only a portion of those topics appear on Victron's remote server, despite I'm sending keep-alive messages.



Is there anyone else who has this experience?

Can I somehow get those topics, like settings, published on Victron's MQTT broker?

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xzv avatar image xzv commented ·

Any ideas? :O

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


I am using an mqtt explorer and the GX broker and get all the same topics on your first picture. To clarify I have no external broker.

What I can say is the topics are not arranged the same way.

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xzv avatar image xzv commented ·
Hi Alexanda,

you mean you can prove that the "local" topics are the same? I wonder why I see so few on Victron's cloud broker then.

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