
greg-c avatar image
greg-c asked

Float charge mode with no battery connected


I have a Multiplus 48|3000|35 with a PowerPlus Eco LFP battery. This battery has its own built-in circuit breaker and internal BMS. The battery BMS provides a NC dry contact when all is well. A BMS alarm of any sort (low/high voltage, fault current, temperature, circuit breaker trip, etc) will open the NC contact.

I am using the Multiplus "Two signal BMS" assistant (single contact for high/low) to control what happens if the battery BMS contact opens. My current (preferred) setting is to "switch to float" rather than "bypass" because I think it would be safe under most conditions. And, if the BMS cable was removed or faulty at least the battery would be on float charge.

My concern is that if the BMS alarm was cause by the battery circuit breaker tripping the Multiplus would be float charging to no battery load. Is there any problem with the Multiplus being in float charge mode with no battery?

Regards, Greg

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1 Answer
ben avatar image
ben answered ·

Nope, no problem with that.

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