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Cerbo GX Firmware 3.13 Issues

Hi All,

I have 2 issues since updating the firmware to 3.13. I am seeing this issues / bugs in all of my installs.

1. Peak Shaving, is not allowing the batteries their absorption time to aid with cell balancing.

  • I use the Minimum SOC (unless grid fails) to charge my batteries of the grid on a cheap tariff to a predetermine level based on the predicted solar generation the next day.
  • I also use the Minimum SOC (unless grid fails) to charge the batteries to 100% if they have not reached 100% in the last 10 days.

Peak Shaving is set to above minimum SOC, when the minimum SOC is at 100% the batteries do not get sufficient time to balance at 100% as the Cerbo allows the batteries to discharge to 99%. You can simulate this by setting the minimum SOC and your batteries will be able to discharge 1% below the minimum SOC. The only way to get the batteries to hold at 100% and balance is to change the mode to keep batteries charged.

This should be reported as a bug and fixed as Peak shaving is causing the batteries to discharge 1% below the Minimum SOC. The Minimum SOC should be the Minimum set point. I.E 15% = 15% not 14%.


2. Optimised (with BatteryLife) is not working.

Optimised (with BatteryLife) is supposed to increase the Minimum SOC by 5% every day if the batteries have not reached 100%. I am not seeing the Active SOC limit change and I am not seeing the Minimum increase on the SOC History.


cerbo gxESSSOC
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