
Rob Becker avatar image
Rob Becker asked

MPPT 150/45 not working, zero voltage on PV when panels are connected

I have two times 4 80 watts panels in series on my catamaran to charge the Li-Ion 48 volt system. Each serie is connected to a mppt 150/45 controller.

One side is working beautifully, the other side is not. When I swap MPPT the other side works as well

The MPPT which is not working gives bulk flashing when it is connected to the battery bank. When i connect the panels the PV output measures zero (when i do not connect the panels to the mppt, the panel voltage is 84 volts as expected)

The blue light continues to flash. I think I had blue and amber flashing when i first looked at it, but I am not able to replicate since i disconnected to try the panels on the other MPPT

Does this mean this MPPT is broken?

Is there a way to reset the MPPT?

I cannot find anything in the manual?

Both mppt’s are connected to the ccgx (color control) which is on-line

Thank you for your help

Kind regards

Rob Becker

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Rob Becker,

Unfortunate to hear about the MPPT, fortunate that you have a spare one to isolate the trouble.

Please fill out this form:

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