
bombadill avatar image
bombadill asked

Lynx + Distributor Fuse sizes

I'm building a system with following specs and I would like to ask about the correct (mega) fuse sizes:

Lynx, connected to 2 X 48V US5000 -batteries.

-What size of fuse I need in the lynx for this?

Then, Lynx connected to Distributor 1000, where I have connected:

*Battery mains to MultiPlus II/5000/70

-What size of the fuze is needed between the battery connection?

Also, connected to Distributor is the solar MPPT, 150/85 TR.

Sorry if this is an obvious question, could not find similar in search direct.

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Yeah there are quite a few different approaches you could use.

Each battery can discharge 90A. Usually fuse size is 1.25x size of expected current. Closest fuses available would be 100A or 125A.

MP2 uses 200A fuse, so 2 X 100A fuses should be ok.

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