
revel65 avatar image
revel65 asked

Adding another solar panel, is this okay.

My Motorhome has 3 x 160w solar panels set up in parallel connecter to a Victron 100/50 MPPT 12v. I want to add a fourth panel, also 160W. but I am unable to gain access to the wires on the current set up. If possible I would like to add the new 160W solar panel and add the wires inti the PV inputs on the current MPPT that is used for the parallel set up I already have. Is this possible or will I need to use a smaller MPPT for this such as the 75/30.

MPPT SmartSolarSolar Panel
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Assuming it's an identical panel.

Check the sum of the panel short circuit currents does not exceed the MPPT Isc rating. Also check you're not exceeding the MC4 connector rating of 30A. If so add an isolator and you're good to go.

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Craig Chamberlain avatar image Craig Chamberlain commented ·
I think you also need to ensure that the max series fuse rating of each panel can handle the potential fault current that might flow if one panel was to fail and go short circuit. eg. if the Isc of the panels was 6A and the max series fuse rating of the panels is 15A then you can only have three panels in series (2 x 6A = 12A fault current into the failed panel) not four panels (3 x 6A = 18A fault current into the failed panel).
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