Whilst doing my periodic of review systems controlling the installation, I notice that the Venus-Docker-Grafana github page (https://github.com/victronenergy/venus-docker-grafana/blob/master/README.md) has been archived and replaced with Venus-Grafana githib page (https://github.com/victronenergy/venus-grafana).
Apart from what appears to be an upgrade from Grafana v7.5.1 to 10.1,
- Is there a change log between the two github versions?
- What new features are available in Venus-Grafana?
- Has Influx DB also been upgraded?
- How does one migrate from an existing Venus-Docker-Grafana to Venus-Grafana without having to rebuild custom dashboards?
Note that the links in the Youtube videos still point to the original archived Venus-Docker-Grafana.
Although I am only one of 5 users following the Grafana topic in the community, a brief announcement of the archive/replacement may have been appropriate.