
bipedalprimate avatar image
bipedalprimate asked

Venus-Docker-Grafana is now Venus-Grafana

Whilst doing my periodic of review systems controlling the installation, I notice that the Venus-Docker-Grafana github page ( has been archived and replaced with Venus-Grafana githib page (

Apart from what appears to be an upgrade from Grafana v7.5.1 to 10.1,

  1. Is there a change log between the two github versions?
  2. What new features are available in Venus-Grafana?
  3. Has Influx DB also been upgraded?
  4. How does one migrate from an existing Venus-Docker-Grafana to Venus-Grafana without having to rebuild custom dashboards?

Note that the links in the Youtube videos still point to the original archived Venus-Docker-Grafana.

Although I am only one of 5 users following the Grafana topic in the community, a brief announcement of the archive/replacement may have been appropriate.

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1 Answer
caspar avatar image
caspar answered ·

To add to the questions, i read in the yaml that it still uses influxdb 1.8 and the old InfluxQL language and not the "new" Flux, is this right? Would have loved to use my normal influxdb install with buckets, retentions setup, etc.

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