
ee21 avatar image
ee21 asked

VE AutoTransformer ground-relay wiring?

I am looking at using an AutoTransformer on the AC Out of my split-phase inverter setup for load balancing 120v loads across the 240v supply... I am having difficulty finding information on where specifically the ground-relay connector on the AT connects to on the MultiPlus. I am not finding this information either on the AT Install manual, or the MultiPlus install manual.

As shown in this attachment at the bottom half of the page under "Wiring diagram: MTR-32", you can see the L-in, N-in, and Ground-in wire connected to the Power Input, in between that and the AC Out however, is an additional 2 wire relay connection with + and - wires... This part I can find no information where this connects to on the MultiPlus. Can anyone provide any information?

Microsoft Word - Manual - Autotransformer - rev 02 - EN.pdf

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3 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Which MultiPlus do you have?
You should find one of the small green or orange terminal blocks. One of these will be the output for external GND relay.

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ee21 avatar image ee21 commented ·

I have the Compact 24/2000 120v, I was taking a look at the mainboard last night, and did not see anything besides the two RJ45 com ports, the programmable relay, COM-NO-NC, the remote start relay switch, and the temperature sensor input.

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ee21 avatar image ee21 commented ·

@WKirby or anyone else have any info on this? I am still looking into inverter balancing, but can find 0 information on where the Earth Relay connects to the MultiPlus Compact.

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penbarker avatar image
penbarker answered ·

I am dealing with the same issue! Where is MP Compact external ground relay connector?

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alaskannoob avatar image
alaskannoob answered ·

I really wish somebody would have answered this. I have similar questions. I'm not even sure if the "Multi" in the data sheet for the AutoTransformer means Multiplus, Multiplus II, or both. Our dealer assured us the AutoTransformer would work for the Multiplus II but I am not sure if that is accurate or not.

We purchased 2 inverters and an AutoTransformer as a solution to run power 500 feet away from the inverters to our cabin. We bought a huge expensive wire to run that power that long distance (

We are now discovering that beyond the power cables, that another wire between the AutoTransformer and the inverters might be required for the inverters to control a relay? If so, what is the voltage of this wire and will we be able to run it the 500 feet to our cabin?

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