Hi, I have the following devices:
- Color Control with FW version 3.13
- Quattro 48/10000/140-2x100
- Old BlueSolar Charger MPPT 150/85 VE.CAN with screen and buttons version 2.05
Quattro is connected to the color control via VE BUS and MPPT charger is connected via CAN and both are showing on the color control screen:
I purchased a new Cerbo GX, I updated the its version to 3.11 and plugged both quattro and MPPT to the cerbo but only the Quattro is showing on the screen:
I tried downgrading the Cerbo to version 2.91 (see below screenshot), but without luck:
Can you please let me know if the new CerboGX is having a problem or this is related to the old MPPT that I am having and that is not readable by the new cerbo but readable using my old color control?
Awaiting your feedback.
Regards, zricha