
northtown2022 avatar image
northtown2022 asked

dbus-serial battery discharge limitations

I'm using a JK-B2A20S20P BMS with a 16s 280ah LFP bank and have dbus-serial battery v1.0.20240102beta installed. I'd like to know more about how discharge limitations work. It appears the BMS settings are reducing discharge current to 150A from my max battery discharge current of 160A set in config.ini.



Linear limitations enabled = True.

Does the following snip mean 1C discharge is allowed when cell voltages are 3.10V and above? If so the why am I being throttled?


BMSRaspberry Picharge current limitcurrent limit
1704593973375.png (12.1 KiB)
1704594286547.png (136.9 KiB)
1704594515906.png (157.0 KiB)
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andy156 avatar image andy156 commented ·

Hi, which port do you connect to with this model? The can or the two internal RS485 ports? Thanks

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1 Answer
northtown2022 avatar image
northtown2022 answered ·

I didn't realize I had the BMS settings Continued Discharge Limit set to 150A, nor did I realize that it would take precedence over the driver! 150a-dcl-jk-bms.png

Once I made the BMS change from 150A to 160A Remote Console reflects it. So DCL wasn't actually being throttled.dcl-160a.png

150a-dcl-jk-bms.png (469.7 KiB)
dcl-160a.png (56.1 KiB)
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