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brjhaverkamp asked

Victron ESS with other brands EV chargers

Hello all,

This holiday period used to do some research regarding PV systems, home batteries, inverters and EV chargers. With the upcoming end of net metering/saldering here in the Netherlands, it will become increasingly interesting to manage your PV output towards a home battery and EV.

I looked at the Victron systems and with some inspiration from Andy of the "Off Grid Garage" I think I got a picture of what I want to build.

One thing that is still misty is how Victron works with an EV charger/EVSE. Does Victron support other brand chargers or only their own? I saw some posts on how to make the Heidelberg Wallbox working or the go-echarger. But they seem hacks more than supported devices. But I can't image that Victron only would support its own EV charger.

Running openwb or evcc next to the Vctron ESS feels not the right direction. 2 energy management systems side by side, that don't communicate can lead to strange and scary effects. I would like to have the Cerbo GX manage it all.

So what is the recommended way to make surplus charging working with the Victron ESS? What EV charger is required, or what interface should the EV charger support?

Kind regards,

Bert Haverkamp

cerbo gxev charger
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