Hi, I have 4 Solar MMPT controllers, 1 Bluetooth Smart Shunt, 2 Phoenix 50 AMP Chargers and just pruchased a Cerbo GX-S for my Boat. I am trying to figure how to best connect all these devices together. I was planning the following:
- Daisy Chain with Ethernet cables the Solar MMPT into the VE Can port terminating in the Cerbo VE Can port
- VE Direct Cable from Smart Shunt to Cerbo GX-S
- VE Direct cable from each Phoenix Charger to Gerbo GX-S
I would then use up all 3 VE direct ports and the Can Bus port on the Cerbo.
Does this seem correct?
It looks like another potion for the MMPT is USB from each unit to a Hub and then run the Hub to the Cerbo GX-S but that seems like more cables and points of failure.