
arildo avatar image
arildo asked

Wiring Unlimited - Rev 06

Wiring unlimited is a great book which I hope will continue to be maintained. Is it an error on page 50? I noticed that the neutral point of the figure for IT network is earthed/grounded.

For inspiration of schematics for future editions, please see IEC 60364-1, IEC 62485 and IEC 62486.

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phoenix avatar image phoenix commented ·
I've just downloaded it from Victron. It is rev01, 3/23. The IT diagram p50 does not have an earthed neutral.

Possibly a version control issue

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arildo avatar image
arildo answered ·

Ah, yes, my bad. I thought I had the latest version, but it was not the best document control. My document just read ver. 6 without any date.

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