
ravioli avatar image
ravioli asked

ev charging station before initial setup blinking red

Hi all

I have excitedly started up my new EV charging station version1 when.... Initially it displayed a screen with writing but then went dark and tried to install some data. The furthest it got to loading data was 61%. Other times it stops earlier and then displays "system data error" The red light is flashing and after a few minutes the display goes black.

It doesn't get recognised on the GX or VRM

Please can anyone help?

PN EVC300400300. SN HQ2301Q37WA

ev charging station
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What is the FW version displayed on the screen of the unit? What you are describing is probably the screen firmware update.
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1 Answer
ravioli avatar image
ravioli answered ·

I think I've answered my own question. Since I'm off grid and the internet connection is not linear I think that was the problem. Finally downloaded the file and I'm getting there. Thank you

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