
dave67 avatar image
dave67 asked

Monitoring mppt with non inverter cable in use

As the title suggests I have an mppt with a non inverter cable for bms control, I'd like to be able to monitor the mppt, is there a way of connecting a dongle or mppt control via some sort of adaptor for the ve direct port? Many thanks for any input.

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Unfortunately no, the VE.Direct port is a 1-to-1 comms port, so it can't be Y'd or anything - it's an either-or.

What MPPT do you have? If it's one of the smaller ones without a remote jumper, then your other option would be converting the VE.Direct port back to normal operation, connecting a VE.Direct Bluetooth Dongle (or MPPT Control) to it for monitoring, and then installing a Smart BatteryProtect in Relay mode, triggered by the BMS, to disconnect the MPPT from charging as per

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dave67 avatar image dave67 commented ·
That is an ideal solution, thank you so much for the prompt reply.
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