
Bill avatar image
Bill asked

When will VRM for iPhone have the correct keys avaialbe for login?

Often iPhone apps are putting the correct keys on the screen for typing in login details especially if its usually an email address. VRM doesn't, as our logins to VRM are usually an email address having the @ and (.) period available without changing from text to numeric and back again while logging in. Sure would be nice is someone would fix that for VRM. And some apps allow suggestions when logging in. (especially email addresses used previously)

And VRM doesn't appear to use the Keychain for passwords either. -Bill

PS. I just found this info thru GPTchat:

Here are a few reasons why you might see differences in keyboard layouts between different iPhone apps:

  1. Context-specific keyboards: Some apps dynamically change the keyboard layout based on the type of information you need to enter. For example, if you're entering an email address, the app might provide a keyboard with the "@" symbol readily available. Similarly, when entering a web address or a username, the app might include the period (dot) symbol.

  2. Custom keyboards: App developers can create custom keyboards for their apps, allowing them to tailor the keyboard to the specific requirements of their app. This customization may include adding or removing certain symbols based on the app's functionality.

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1 Answer
Barbara (Victron Energy) avatar image
Barbara (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi @Bill , this is implemented!

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