There is a large difference between Batt-voltage and the Victron charge output voltage with intermittent charges, the voltages spikes above 60vdc.
How to solve this?
With a scope measuring, the spikes raised up to 62vdc with 100Hz pulses
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There is a large difference between Batt-voltage and the Victron charge output voltage with intermittent charges, the voltages spikes above 60vdc.
How to solve this?
With a scope measuring, the spikes raised up to 62vdc with 100Hz pulses
The most often cause is the battery refusing charge or disconnecting. Or a poor connection between them.
Hi Alexandra, sorry for late reply!
The SEPLOS BMS on CAN has its settings according
A long-time log with my TiePie scope connected on Victron DC output and the DC SEPLOS BMS and all components fitted inbetween, showed a severe voltage-drop over a 200A overload protection. After disconnecting, the faulty module, the high spikes on the ripple voltage were solved.
Thanks for thinking with me !
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