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pp61 asked

Connecting Cerbo GX to 12 volt load MPPT 75/15 and measuring AC load

Bought a Cerbo GX and want to install it next to my smartsolar 75/15. Any problem when I connect the Cerbo to the MPPT load output instead of the battery direct?

I also would like to measure the 220 volt usages when connect to the net. Is it correct I cannot use the AC current sensor connected to temperature input of Cerbo?

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

You would have to turn your load output on permanently, it on only a small wire, it is easy enough to wire it direct to battery with the provided fuse.

I know you can connect an ac current sensor to the temperature terminals in a Multiplus but there is no information about this being an option fpr the Cerbo GX in the manual.

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