
pwacquiez avatar image
pwacquiez asked

How to achieve “permanent insulation monitor” protection in an installation with several MPPTs?

Hi all,

Know the method to ensure insulation protection with 2 or more MPPTs?

I have 2 MPPT 250 | 100. I installed 2 DOLD IL5881 CPIs but both of them trigger. In fact, the instructions indicate: “only one insulation controller must be plugged into the network to be monitored. »

MPPT Controllersisolation
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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

Generally insulation leakage detection is NOT required with the smaller MPPT chargers. In fact the PV negative and Battery negative are bonded internally in the charger. The Multi RS series do have insulation leakage detection. So for MPPT's in general, you would have to measure DC leakage in the battery earth connection.

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MPPT Product Page

MPPT Error codes

MPPT 150/60 up to 250/70 Manual

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