
venturerider avatar image
venturerider asked

Venus GX Control Panel - connectivity

I understand that you can connect your devices via VRM, but how do you connect to the Venus GX if you have ZERO internet connectivity?

I do have a network in my coach (wired and wireless) so I assume because the GX is connected to my coach network, I will still have access via the coach network, correct?

Also, what device would I need to monitor the interior temperature of the coach? I'd like to be able to start the generator when the interior temp reaches a certain setpoint.

Venus GX - VGX
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi VR. With no web, and even with web (cos it's faster response), just type it's LAN address into a browser and you'll get a fully functional 'CCGX' screen. There's a little about it (and finding that address) in the manual:

Your 'coach temp' issue I'll dodge. That's a possibly more serious external commitment.. Perhaps another contributor?

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