
johnktms avatar image
johnktms asked

Cerbo GX WiFi Key

I bought a second hand Cerbo GX and did not receive the WiFi key with the unit. No sticker on the box or the unit. How do I go about connecting the unit to the internet ?

Thank you

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Get an hdmi screen connect it. And a keyboard or a mouse. Plug it in.

You will find the VRM I'd number under VRM in settings. You maybe have to request access from the previous owner. It will tell you when you try to register it.

And the WiFi hotspot is a bit more difficult as an end user. Since this is not an ask victron forum, you can put in an official support request here. See the bottom of the page.

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johnktms avatar image johnktms commented ·
Thank you
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