
hybrid-genertors avatar image
hybrid-genertors asked

Can access profiles to VRM have different permissions?

We have a very large fleet of units with large amount of users. We have teams and groups setup on user accounts. Most users have the Full CONTROL disabled. Is there a way to set what subjects they do have access to? Ideally we would like them to be able to add items to the notes section? But this appears to be attached to full control only.

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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Afik, no. But a good suggestion.

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) needs to see and evaluate.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Hybrid genertors,

I am working on a project-in-progress to address this.

However as it stands, the next stage doesn't yet cover perfectly what you're after.

My intention was to eventually allow full granular control over VRM sites, but that comes with a lot of complexity from the UI and the security perspectives.

My initial idea was to first add an additional user type - 'Technician' with nearly all the same permissions as the full owner, except those around user access management, GX replacement, and site deletion.

Was there anything else in particular that you DON'T want these technicians to have access to in this list?


You might also be interested to read my background white paper proposal here -

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